eidotinyThe Dystopian Detective series follows private detective Lance Canela from case to case, as he faces down corrupt executives, shadowy syndicates, inscrutable mega corporations, and menacing hackers in the dystopian city of Kindred. With a healthy dash of classic Hardboiled and Noir sensibilities, this cyberpunk series tackles modern day issues through the lens of science fiction, extended into the not-so-distant future.

Book 2, Eidolon:

After Lance’s contact, Wyatt, is driven underground by the followers of a crusading hacker known only as Eidolon, Lance gets saddled with the unenviable task of digging up dirt on them—one made all the more intolerable as he finds himself working alongside a clickbait blogger named Becky, whose only concern is the next big controversy.
But as Lance gets to know Eidolon, his followers, and what he stands for, he becomes less and less sure that he’s on the right side. Is Wyatt taking advantage of him, or could there really be a dark secret at the heart of Eidolon’s attempts to right the world?

Eidolon also include a special bonus short story, Thoughts as Gray as Ash, following Lance through a more personal case as he searches for a client gone missing. Eidolon, available in ebook form at the retailers below: