Hello readers. I’m so sorry about the lack of posts recently. Without going into too much detail, I’ve been pretty sick for the last few weeks and finally got over it just now. I tried to put together some posts during this time, and I have a few that were half written, but nothing I was confident about posting without more effort than I could dedicate to it at the time.

No worries, as I’m doing just fine now and it’s not a chronic condition or anything. To be honest, I’m pretty bummed that I’ve had my first month pass by with no posts… not a good start for any new readers who made their way here from The Arcology. I hope the sizable backlog has been enough to entertain you!

The site’s second anniversary is quickly approaching, and I hope I can make up for the lackluster May with some really special content in June, starting with a SHIELD season 3 retrospective this coming week. As always, thanks for visiting, and I hope you’ll keep coming by for some time to come.