Defiance Renewed for Season 3: What’s Next?
- September 25th, 2014
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Season 2 concept art, shared on twitter.
I know I don’t usually do news, but with as much focus as this site’s start had on Defiance, it felt important to get the news out there. As reported here and confirmed on Twitter, Defiance was successfully renewed for Season 3. I gotta say I’m rather relieved; as irritating as the show can be at times, I’m still pretty invested in it, even if I don’t (yet) love the characters as much as the crew of the Enterprise-D or the gang aboard Moya. I’m only so harsh because I care, really! The show has so much potential and I want to see it through, however it develops. And now, no more will we have to worry about the last hanging plotlines being resolved in game, for those of us who don’t play the MMO.
But just reporting the news that it’s returned isn’t very exciting. What can we expect from Season 3 of Defiance, then? Here are some plot teasers that Kevin Murphy, Defiance‘s showrunner (who will indeed be returning, according to the article), said he’d like to see next season:
- Stahma’s new handmaiden, Andina, will get some focus next season.
- Return of Indogene-doppelganger Kenya.
- Flashback episode set during the Pale Wars-era New York. Double confirmed?
- Reappearance of the present-day Connor Lang, too?
- Potential introduction of a trans or “gender-nonbinary” character. Implication of more Gulanee here, too.
- Heating up of tensions between E-Rep and Votanis Collective.
- More of Doc Yewll’s dark and terrible past?
- Possibly more of the Amanda and Berlin investigation team?
- Berlin drifting away from the E-Rep after being put in front of a firing squad?
That’s all I’ve been able to dig up as far as season 3 related tweets go. Obviously the show would pick up with some of the running plot lines, like Pilar and Quentin, and presumably they’ll have to dig Nolan and Irisa (and Sukar!) up somehow. And keep in mind these are just tweets, speculating about possibilities; that doesn’t necessarily mean all these things will happen. But it gives us an idea of what might lie ahead, and had the show gotten canceled I’d probably have used these to make a “What Could Have Been” post for Defiance. I’m glad I don’t have to, though.